The exam confirmation email that you will receive from Prometric will contain the exact identification policy which is applicable to you. You must follow the requirements listed in that email. If you have any questions or concerns, call your test center before the exam and clarify with them.
In general, the identification policy is like this:
Candidates must present one form of un-expired, government-issued identification that contains the candidate's name, photograph and signature. The following forms of identification are acceptable only if they meet these requirements: Passport, driver's license, national identity card, military ID, other forms of un-expired, government-issued, identification that has both signature and photo. If any of the above forms of identification contain the candidate's name or photograph, but not his/her signature, the candidate can use another form of un-expired identification what provides a signature to supplement the photo-bearing, government-issued ID. Examples are: Employee ID, Bank card, Credit card
For more details, check out Prometric Exam-takers' FAQs.
What Form of Identification Must I Bring to the Test Center for the PMP Exam?
Administration Identification Prometric
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