It takes about 7 to 10 business days for PMI to receive the exam result from Prometric. As per PMI, it may take up to 4 to 6 weeks for your name to appear in PMI Online Registry.
However, in my experience, the registry gets updated within 2 weeks.
How long does it take for My Name to Appear in PMI Online Registry after Passing the PMP Exam?
PMI Online Registry
It took 2 days for my name to appear in the registry after passing the exam. I took it on Aug 30, my name was published on Sept 1.
ReplyDeleteHello Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your personal experience. 2 days is really quick. I remember it took longer in my case. Good to see that PMI is improving its processes.
Best regards.
I did PBT (Paper Based Test) and at the same time as i got an email saying i got through it was listed on the registry. It only took 3 weeks to get my result.
ReplyDeletehi evey one.
ReplyDeleteI passed on 16th december 2012, (2days ago) and received print out from exam center in the same day, after i red your posts my concern is not the registery , my real concern that my status on profile page on PMI.ORG not updated so far, so can any one please inform me, if the certefication status on PMI.ORG take time also to be updated?
I passed PMP on 12th December 2012 and still waiting for my name to be published in Online Certification Registry as well as for my certification status on myPMI account to be updated. I suppose these two get updated at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find any official info on PMI site or anywhere else what time does it take them to update certification status....still waiting and thinking to write to PMI and ask......
Hi, I have passed my exam on April 12th and still the status is not changed in my profile. I have check with PMI helpdesk and they informed it will take 5-7 days to get reflected.
ReplyDeleteI have cleared the exam on July 12 at Promatic center its been 10 days still my name not yet in the registry nor did I receive congratulations mail from PMI, a print out from test center is the only proof that I am certified, how bad at least the online transactions such as acknowledgement mail from PMI, soft copy of the certificate could be little fast if not instantaneous.