Do I need to be a PMI Member to take the PMP Exam?
No, you do not need to be a PMI Member to take the PMP Exam. But who would not want to become a member if the discount on the exam fee is mo...
PMI Membership

Can I Read Books or Review Notes during the Break in the PMP Exam?
As funny as it may sound, but this is an actual question asked by many people. So, I have to address it. The simple and clear answer is ...
Exam Duration

Can I Print the PMBOK Guide 5th Edition PDF Legally?
Yes, you can. Read the following post for details: Can I Print the PMBOK Guide Fifth Edition PDF Legally?

Can I visit the Prometric Test Center before the PMP Exam?
Yes, you can visit the Prometric Test Center before your scheduled exam date. In fact, you are highly encouraged to do so. This will allow y...

What is the PMP Exam Fee Refund Policy?
There are different scenarios here: 1. If you fail the PMP application audit, PMI will deduct $100 from your application fee, and refund t...

Does PMI Provide a Percentage Distribution of the PMP Exam Questions by Knowledge Area?
No, PMI does not provide a percentage distribution of PMP exam questions by Knowledge Area. They do however provide a Domain-wise (or Proces...
Exam Questions

Will PMI Refund the Membership Discount, if I Sign-up for the Membership After Submitting Payment for the PMP Exam?
PMI members enjoy $150 discount on the PMP exam fee. However, you must be a PMI member at the time of submitting your payment for the PMP ex...
PMI Membership

What does 36 Months of Non-Overlapping Experience Requirement Mean for the PMP Exam?
One of the eligibility criteria for the PMP exam is to have minimum 3 years / 36 months unique non-overlapping professional project manageme...
Eligibility Criteria